Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hero of the Week: Joker

Many in the world of comic books and manga have adopted the moniker "Joker", but there's only one with a badass gravity lance and kansai accent (that I know of). I'm of course talking about Joker from Flame of Recca.

Despite being on Kurei's side, Joker helps Hokage quite a few times, even if only indirectly. He pushes his tournament rival, Koganei, to unlock the final form of his puzzle-like weapon. Even if his methods might not be seen as moral at first, Koganei definitely owes him a lot, especially when the after tournament fights begin.

Playing the bad guy isn't easy. That's why neutrality is so desirable, something Joker can pull off while still being part of the action. That is what freedom is all about. He'll be on the side that's more fun. Despite his alliance with Kurei, fun is Joker's main goal.

He also cares a great deal about his friends, going so far as to getting sucked into a blackhole just so Koganei can go on ahead during the final battle. I know those "sacrifice" scenes are usually cheesy and this one was no exception, but you couldn't help feel sad seeing one of the goofier yet badass characters disappear into oblivion. Fortunately, we find out what happened to Joker during MAR, where he takes on the name Nanashi (literally "No name"). While the series isn't even close to the level of quality found in Flame of Recca, it is good to know the lovable drifter is alive and well in a nice new world.

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