Friday, June 5, 2009

Hero of the Week: Free

This week's hero is none other than the dense but determined werewolf from Soul Eater. That's right, it's the ice using immortal, Free.

Not only is Free an adept magic user, but is also very strong physically. By taking the eye of the current witch leader (who is said to be as strong as shinigami), Free has cemented himself as one of the strongest characters in the series.

Too bad his goofiness and idiocy in battle usually costs him the fight. But hey, no hero is perfect, and amusing situations are there to drive that fact home. Even if the guy will occasionally attack himself by accident, he shows he can do it in a funny way without caring that much (what with being immortal and all).

While Free isn't the most prominent character, the scenes he have been in are golden. Despite being a villain (kind of), his enthusiasm is contagious. He isn't bothered by anything except for trivial stuff, which usually result in hilarious head banging.

As cryokinesis is my favorite elemental themed power and werewolves are my favorite animal related transformation, it's easy why I consider Free a hero. Couple that with his great personality and possible Eruka pairing (2nd favorite female character) and you end up with my favorite character in the series. Let's hope his role becomes bigger later.

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