Friday, May 22, 2009

The Shonen Formula Part 3: Transformations!!

Often times in shonen series, the main characters will find themselves overwhelmed by the enemy. After all, if your opponent can destroy buildings and the most you can destroy is a car, you might be in trouble. Fortunately, there's one method that can put you on par with the villain if not past them. It's the transformation!!!

Usually brought on by a strong emotional outburst, transformations can turn a one-sided fight completely around. Anger is usually the conduit for the transformation, but other emotions and/or mindsets could bring about a transformation. Sadness, determination, fear, sometimes even happiness or embarrassment.

While it definitely existed before it, the Dragonball franchise popularized the transformation in shonen. Gaining an unimaginable amount of power, the transformation in Dragonball Z lead to fights far past the level of human capability. I'm talking of course about the Super Saiyan.

Since then, several transformations within the demographic have shown up. Some drastically change the appearance of the transforming character while some are as simple as a character getting a much more noticeable aura. The first time the transformation is shown, it is often unintentional.

Naruto and Sasuke transform

In most series, the transformation is limited to a select few. Perhaps only one character in the whole series can transform.

Luffy greatly increases his speed and strength by doing something only a rubber man is capable of

Of course there are also those series where every character and their mother has a transformation. The most influential one would have to be Bleach.

Bankai is the the 2nd level in a sword's transformation, achievable only by a few

The arrancar transformations are more noticeable as it includes more than just the sword

The espada releases are (for the most part) much cooler than the numeros

Not only are transformations a staple of the shonen demographic; they are also a necessity in any standard fighting series. Human limits get in the way otherwise. The message in most series is that human limits don't exist, a fact driven home by the constant level climbing displayed by the main characters (and sometimes enemies). Transformations will never die!

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