Friday, May 15, 2009

Chaos;Head (AKA Biggest Mind Fuck Ever)

Since I don't play many visual novels, I can't exactly say if the anime based off them are good adaptations. Despite this, a large amount have been adapted and there are some undeniably popular ones (Fate/Stay Night and Higurashi No Naku quickly spring to mine). Amongst the wave of visual novel adaptations comes an 11 episode series that can only be described in one phrase; mind fuck.

Chaos;Head stars Takumi Nishijo, a shut-in student that tries his hardest to avoid human communication, shackling himself to the world of anime/manga and online video games. If you think you're socially inept, you should just see this guy. He can't speak clearly at all, avoiding eye contact most of the time. It's almost sickening that he has so many girls after him...OR DOES HE?

Delusions engulf Takumi's world, constantly requiring the viewer to question if what is happening on the screen is "actually" happening. A friendly classmate might be seen nailing a corpse to a wall with oddly shaped crosses. That is the norm for Takumi as he struggles to retain his quite life of solitude.

There are several twists and mind fucks (I really like that phrase) throughout the series. There's also a bunch of made up scientific shit that sounds like it could be real (something about the number of people in one area increases the frequency of something to cause delusions or something like that).

Eventually, the psychological thriller descends into the realm of fantasy fights when imaginary swords start materializing that can supposedly "break" reality. While fighting isn't the focus of the series, there are a few significant ones. Fortunately, they are enjoyable, so I'm not complaining.

It's next to impossible to accurately explain Chaos;Head. Some might even say the plot is too convoluted to make any sense of in the first place. I guess the only thing I can really say is watch it if you like mind fucks and/or a little bit of gore. It's definitly worth it for fans of psychological thrillers.

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