Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hero of the Week: Franky

This week's hero brings us everyone's favorite speedo wearing cyborg. That's right, it's Franky from One Piece!

The man that would eventually become the Strawhat Pirate's shipwright was actually taught and taken care of by the man that built the Pirate King's ship. Formerly known as Cutty Flam, Franky has everything it takes to maintain the ship of the man that will soon become the new Pirate King.

Hillarious, goofy, sensitive, and downright entertaining, it's hard to find any faults in this character. When I first started watching/reading One Piece, we were in the middle of the Water 7 arc in the anime and the sea train arc in the manga. I was lucky enough to catch the fight between Franky and Nero as it was going on. Every single thing this guy did either had me cracking up or caused my mouth to drop at the pure badassery. I mean come on, a backwards cyborg Centaur? Check out the fight.

Franky's fighting style is pretty ridiculous. His reliance on cola is very original. That added with the many (dys)functions of his cyborg body make his fights some of the most entertaining (if not THE most entertaining) in the series. I expect great things from him after the Strawhats reunite.

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