Monday, April 27, 2009

Anime Adaptations: Weekly Shonen Jump vs. Shonen Sunday

This is something I've noticed that I'm sure many others have as well. Shonen Sunday and Weekly Shonen Jump are the two dominant shonen magazines, yet the SJ Anime adaptations are more often than not superior to the SS ones in length. Whether it be due to poor ratings or the anime catching up to the manga, anime adaptations from Shonen Sunday usually end prematurely.

Now I know this might be coincidence as the animation studio is usually a bigger factor than the magazine a series is serialized in. However, it seems like Detective Conan is the only long running series that still has an anime (if I'm forgetting other ones, sorry). On the other hand, Shonen Jump has long running series like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and Gintama, all having anime series of their own that are still running. Yes, many series in the past have ended prematurely, but the fact that we have 5 series with more than 100 episodes and still going strong despite a few of them being close to the manga shows that these series are much more important the ones in Shonen Sunday bar a few.

I guess after Dragonball, Shonen Jump is the manga that everyone wants their work serialized in. There will always be a "DBZ" of the generation (sometimes multiple ones) and more often than not, it will be in Shonen Jump. I guess I should be thankful I can watch some of my favorite series in animated form to the end as most mangas don't have that luxury.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post about my favorite Magazine. Thanks for your post. I am really happy to see my favorite magazine here. :D
    I just ordered this week magazine at PIJ. Hope this will get within 3 days.
