Tuesday, April 7, 2009

End of Soul Eater: Courage is the Answer!

After 51 episodes, the Soul Eater anime has finally ended. Overall, the series has been a stylish rollercoaster on par with most shonen series, but I'm not really sure what to make of the final episode. You can check it out here.

The episode was pretty good for the most part. Maka's weapon form was really bad ass (even if it did come out of nowhere) and the scene with the kishin digging his claws into her leg was really emotional. After that, things started to get a little out of hand and became as cliche as possible. So what if she has courage? That shouldn't be enough to beat someone that the strongest characters in the series couldn't beat. The fact that the kishin, the very embodiment of insanity would be psyched out by a teenage girl's staring is beyond inconsistent. While it is satisfying to see the final battle end with just an oridinary move (used a lot in shonen), the ending could've been handled much better.

Being a monthly series, Soul Eater suffered the same fate as Fullmetal Alchemist, requiring a made up ending due to the manga's continued serialization. Perhaps in 6 years or so, the same thing that happened to FMA will happen and Soul Eater will get a more accurate second series. Until then, I guess I'm off to read the manga. I'll let you guys know what I think of the real ending (whenever that happens).

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