Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Slap Up Party: Arad Senki

The spring anime season continues with a show based off an (apparently) popular Korean MMO. Judging from the 2 episodes that are out, it seems to have a pretty standard RPG plot.

The main character, Baron, is a Demon Knight, a class of Knight with an arm that can cause them to go berserk. His goal is to find a way to heal the demonic left arm. Along the way, 4 more people join him, each belonging to a different class. So far, a gunner and a fighter has joined him. While the villain hasn't yet been established, it is obvious by the opening there will be one. Check it out.

While the first 2 episodes have been fun, there's really nothing in this series that I haven't seen done many times and better. As it's only 26 episodes, I'll probably stick with it but that's only because the rest of the spring season has mostly been a bust (outside the obvious ones of course).

While I don't really care for the main character that much, I do like the gunner (who's complicated name I can't remember). Yeah, he is the token guy that gets hurt all the time but I like those kinds of characters. Other than him, the cast is mostly bland (from what we've seen so far).

On the plus side, the ending is fantastic. It's like they made a whole 8-bit RPG just for the theme. Check it out.

I would play that game in an instant. Too bad it isn't real :(

I'll have more impressions at the mid point.

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