Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hero of the Week: Miroku

This week's hero is the perverted monk from the warring states era. I'm of course talking about the man with the wind tunnel, Miroku.

At this point, Miroku may be nothing more than a shallow archetype, but he was actually an original and refreshing character when Inuyasha started. A man of worship yet a pervert; not many can pull that off. His constant womanizing is a breath of fresh air and a nice change and pace from all the "KAGOME!" and "INUYASHA!" screaming.

He also has a pretty interesting power. With the ability to suck anything into his hand, he is somewhat overpowered, but seeing him one shot several enemies is definitely enjoyable. Too bad it goes so underused whenever Naraku's bullshit bugs make an appearance. Of course we can't blame bad plot progression on the character (I wouldn't be using a character from Inuyasha in that situation).

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