Monday, December 28, 2009

Hero of the Week: Battler Ushiromiya

This week's hero is the calculating and intelligent member of the Ushiromiya family. I'm talking about the witch denying protagonist of Umineko no naku Koro ni, Battler Ushiromiya.

As with most of the heroes from this segment, Battler's heroics are not immediately noticeable and may be questionable in the first place. Also like many of the heroes I have chosen, he is not typical by any means. In fact, the main reason I would call him a hero of sorts lies in his unwavering resolve (and stubbornness) rather than his actions.

Despite overwhelming evidence, Battler will not budge in his belief that witches and magic are nothing more than fantasy. While this may make him seem like the typical horror movie victim, he is actually far from it. Unbeknown to him, his disbelief is what is preventing the antagonist, Beatrice, from becoming a full-fledged witch. Ironically, he has gained a great deal of anti-magic powers because of this.

While he is unable to save his family for the majority of the series, his determination and attitude make him very likable and makes the audience not want to give up either. Even when a new "game" starts, his ability to "flip the chess board" gives Beatrice a run for her money on more than one occasion despite being a supernatural being.

While cliche in some ways, Battler is a refreshing and cocky character that fits the series perfectly. Definitely wouldn't be as entertaining without him.

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