Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hero of the Week: Onigiri

This week brings us another high potential character that no one takes seriously. It's the pig of Kogarasumaru. I'm of course talking about the most perverted character in Air Gear, Onigiri.

He's rude, stupid, perverted, and rides on one air trek on his head upside down so he can look up girl's skirts. If that isn't commitment, I don't know what is. He takes pride in his perverted ways, not letting anyone out-pervert him. Considering how perverted the whole series is, that's saying something.

Of course Onigiri's perverted nature is just one aspect of this surprisingly versatile character. Yes, it may be a big part of his fighting and riding style, but he has shown that he is a great rider on his own. He is shown on a few separate occasions he has what it takes to fight on par with a road king. Whether his motivation lie in the sight of panties or in his own imagination is irrelevant if he can get the job done. No matter how unconventional his fighting style and use of sweat is, his battles are always entertaining albeit not really serious.

I hope to see more of Onigiri's wacky battle tactics soon, and being right in the middle of an Air match, I see that happening within the next few chapters. Let's hope he wins!

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