Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hero of the Week: Eikichi Onizuka

With GTO: Shonan 14 Days starting to get good, I think it would be appropriate for this week's hero to be the greastest teacher mankind has ever known. I could only be talking about Eikichi Onizuka.

On the surface, Onizuka is an unintelligent delinquent only good for beating people up and looking up girls' skirts. In reality, he is a strong and determined individual with superhuman strength and will power. When he sets his mind to something, you can bet your ass he's going to do it.

His desire to be a teacher is not to be underestimated. Despite his natural lack of book smarts, he gets assigned to a class. Multiple incidents happen that almost cost Onizuka his job, but he always comes out on top. Having to take the same standardized tests as the students is one of the many close calls throughout the series. Even after suffering multiple gun shot wounds, he still ends up taking a test, completes it early, and gets a perfect score all while blood drips down his body. If that kind of willpower doesn't amaze you, then you better be recreating Noah's ark while getting whipped and watching people eat delicious ice cream in triple digit degree weather.

Of course we can't deny his amazing ability to open the hearts of all his students no matter how messed up they are. Saving not 1 but 2 students by jumping off a building and catching them proves he is committed to keeping everyone in check. Whether it be by crazy antics or simply being nice, Onizuka will open your heart.

His compatibility with mostly everyone and his off the wall actions make Onizuka very hard to dislike. Send an army after him and he'll somehow come out of it unscathed, then he'll try to win you over. It's impossible to explain how he does it, but as long as he keeps doing what he does, the world won't be as dark as it seems.

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