Saturday, March 28, 2009

Getting People Into Anime: Anime for People that Hate Anime

Anime has become a very strong medium over the years and quite a few people have opened up to it. However, there are many people that outright refuse to watch anime and can't accept it as a viable medium.

Now I'm not saying everyone needs to be obsessed with the stuff like I am, but there are only two viable reasons why someone would not be able to get into anime at all. 1. They hate Japan. 2. They hate animation. Anyone that watches and enjoys South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc. has the potential to enjoy anime. Anime is a medium, and therefore is host to every genre in fiction.

If there is anyone out there that wants to get someone close to them interested in anime, try some of these series.

Death Note
Paranoia Agent
Cowboy Bebop
Black Lagoon
Lupin III
Astro Boy
Detective Conan (Case Closed)
FLCL (To some extent)

Anyone that is open minded enough to try any of these would (hopefully) find at least some enjoyment in what they were watching. If not, it's no big deal. People like different things.

That being said, Anime has come quite a long way and is pretty close to proving itself (along with video games) as something that can be enjoyed by adults as well.


  1. Why is there no option for Sailor Moon as my first anime? ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. FUCK! How the hell did i forget that one? Actually, that was my first anime. I'm an idiot. Oh well, ill be more careful with the polls next time
