Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's 2:30 in the morning...Guess I'll Start a Blog

Hey everybody! Welcome to the new blog. You may know me as one of the contributors to Level One-Start. Seeing as gaming is my biggest hobby, I thought I might as well start a blog about my second biggest hobby; anime and manga!

I will be talking about many different series as well as the two mediums in general. I will not be talking about hentai unless it is relevant (AKA lawsuits or something) and I will rarely talk about romance series unless the series is more than just that genre (romantic-comedy, romantic-action, etc).

Other than the two listed, I like pretty much all genres. While I am not that big into mecha, I am not above watching them (Gurren Lagann, Code Geass). I don't like the sports genre very much but there are a few I've been looking into and will most likely start reading/watching. Comedy is one of my favorite genres, especially when it involves random insanity (Bobo-bo, Sexy Commando). Horror can be good, but it's sometimes hard to find (Elfen Lied, Hellsing). Of course the genre that I love more than any other would have to be shonen action (DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach). If it wasn't for Dragon Ball Z, I probably never would've never gotten into anime.

I've read and watched many series, some that many people have never heard of. With my vast knowledge of the mediums, I hope to make insightful posts at a good pace. Look forward to some real ones soon ;)

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