Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hero of the Week: Professor Riddle

What better way to express my love of Konjiki no Gash than to acknowledge one of its greatest characters? This week brings us the elderly doctor from America with a good deal of knowledge about the demon fight, Professor Riddle.

Professor Riddle first confronts Kiyomaro after learning about the revival of the demons from 1000 years ago. He proves to be quite knowledgeable not only in the the villain responsible for the revival, Zophise, but also in the battle for demon king in general. Thanks to the professor, Kiyomaro was able to figure out the spells in the book come from the book holder and not the book itself.

Outside of his vast knowledge, the professor is a genuinely funny character. Boasting about past endeavors or saying something outrageous only to confirm it was a lie seconds later are cause for some hilarious reactions.

Like every other character in the series, the professor is very determined to win each battle he takes seriously. Despite barely being able to move, his casting of Kid's final spell is nothing short of inspirational. Seeing Kid as his own grandson, the burning of his book ends up being one of the most emotional scenes in the series. Even after all that, Professor Riddle gets back up to help his allies through the battle for demon king despite his own elimination.

Even with his partner gone, Professor Riddle is still a key character in the series, helping the protagonists several times. His determination shows through his work and is an asset to Kiyomaro's allies. Without him, the protagonists would not have survived during several events. Nice job professor ;)

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