Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hero of the Week: Kunihiko Moji

This week's hero is the cunning Zearth pilot with the heart of gold. I'm of course talking about the kindest amongst the children, Kunihiko Moji.

Being a Zearth pilot isn't easy. Not only do you have to be careful of your surroundings, when fighting against other giant mechs, but you also die after the battle is over. Many of the children could not accept their fate, but Moji was one of the few that not only accepted it, he welcomed it with open arms.

While the other children were anxious over when their time would come, Moji was learning the system so he could eventually formulate a plan to give his heart to the childhood friend that needed it and crush of his crush. Not only was he giving away his most precious organ, but he was giving it away to his rival in love. After piloting Zearth and saving our universe, he heads straight to the operating table before his heart stops entirely. If that isn't a hero, I don't know what is.

It's easy to see why Moji is the most likable character in Bokurano. In a tragic story where death is inevitable, one little boy goes to great lengths to keep the group from breaking down. Yes, most of the children are heroes, but it takes a special hero to stay calm and kind in a situation where 6 billion lives are extingued in an instant on an almost weekly basis. Just like the rest of the children, Moji will be missed.

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